Google Search
This scripts allows you to search Google from Sunbeam.
Refer to the devdocs extension for a more complete example of writing an extension as a shell script. This example demonstrates how to write an extension that uses the search mode.
Each time the user types a character, the script is called with the query as argument. The emptyText field is used to display a message when no items are shown in the list.
set -eu
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
jq -n '{
title: "Google Search",
description: "Search the web with Google",
commands: [
name: "search",
mode: "search",
title: "Search",
exit 0
# since the command is a search, the script is called with the query as argument every time the user types a character
COMMAND=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.command')
if [ "$COMMAND" = "search" ]; then
# Get the query from the user
QUERY=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.query')
# If the query is empty, show an help message
if [ "$QUERY" = "null" ]; then
jq -n '{
emptyText: "Type something to search",
exit 0
# urlencode the query
curl -G "" -d "q=$QUERY" | jq '.[1] | {
items: map({
title: .,
actions: [
{ title: "Search", type: "open", url: "\(.)"}
echo "Unknown command: $COMMAND" >&2
exit 1
set -eu
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
jq -n '{
title: "Google Search",
description: "Search the web with Google",
commands: [
name: "search",
mode: "search",
title: "Search",
exit 0
# since the command is a search, the script is called with the query as argument every time the user types a character
COMMAND=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.command')
if [ "$COMMAND" = "search" ]; then
# Get the query from the user
QUERY=$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.query')
# If the query is empty, show an help message
if [ "$QUERY" = "null" ]; then
jq -n '{
emptyText: "Type something to search",
exit 0
# urlencode the query
curl -G "" -d "q=$QUERY" | jq '.[1] | {
items: map({
title: .,
actions: [
{ title: "Search", type: "open", url: "\(.)"}
echo "Unknown command: $COMMAND" >&2
exit 1